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Water Well Services

EH WaterFees and Permits Button.png

  • Non-community water systems inspection relating to schools, businesses & restaurants
  • Education on ground water protection and well maintenance​

The health department does not do well and septic inspections for home sales/mortgage transactions​.​

Permits and Fees

 Access permit and fee information​ for the following: 

  • Construct or deepen a well
  • Well inspection
  • Well Sealing
  • Well Variance, Feasibility Letter, Letter of Approval to Municipality
  • Change of Contractor
  • New Construction - Single Family
  • Renovation - Single Family
  • New Construction - Commercial, Multi-Family
  • Renovation - Commercial, Multi-Family

Please call 630-444-3040 to request a private sewage/septic inspection or permit.


In ground pools must be 25 feet from well and septic. Above ground pools must be 25 feet from well and 10 feet from septic. More information: Part 820: Swimming Pool & Bathing Beach Code​​

Well Water Problems

Odd smells and colors in your well water can be attributed to a variety of potential causes​. If you are unsure about the safety of your private well drinking water we recommend testing. Concerns regarding public/municipal water should be addressed with your city/village water department.​​

Well Water Testing

​While regular testing of private residential water wells is not required, KCHD recommends testing for bacteria (known as a total coliforms test) and nitrate/nitrite every year and testing for metals every 3 years.

New and modified water wells permitted in Kane County must be tested for coliform. Your licensed well contractor is required to provide these test results to KCHD within 30 days of completion of the well.

Potential contaminants in private wells include:
• Bacteria
• Nitrate/nitrite
• Metals
• Pesticides
• Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
• Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS, often referred to as “forever chemicals”)

Water can be tested for bacteria (coliform and e. Coli) and chemicals. The Kane County Health Department makes water bottle testing kits for coliform and e. Coli available at our Aurora and Elgin locations that you can pick-up during office hours. The sample then has to be taken to DuPage County Health Department in Wheaton or overnighted to the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) lab in Chicago.  

​​Collect the water sample properly. To ensure more accuracy:

  • ​Remove any aerator from the faucet used for sampling
  • Disinfect the opening with an alcohol wipe
  • Allow the cold water to run for 3 minutes prior to sampling
  • Keep the lid of the sample bottle closed until it is time to sample and avoid touching any part of lip or inner part of the bottle or cap
  • Submit or mail the sample immediately (overnight delivery the same day) after sampling with the required forms completed
  • Samples not received and tested by the lab within 30 hours of the sample collection are invalid​

DuPage County Health Department
Once water sample is collected, take the sample to the DuPage County Health Department Environmental Water LabComplete instructions on water collection and submission are on the form that we provide when you pick up the water bottle testing kit. Sample must be collected in the bottles that we provide or it will not be tested. See the DuPage County Health Department Environmental Health Fees page for more information. 

Illinois Department of Public Health in Chicago
Pick up water collection kit from the Kane County Health Department Aurora and Elgin locations during office hours. Kit costs $10.00 and includes water bottle, form, box and shipping label to mail your sample to the state lab. Tests for bacteria (Coliform). State lab does not test for nitrates (will have to contact a private lab).

More comprehensive testing for metals and other substances is available through private labs. Contact an accredited water lab for testing and cost information.

Water Well Inspections

If a well-owner has completed testing and found no contaminants, wells should still be inspected every year to make sure the well remains sealed and clear of debris, including yard waste. Look for damage to the well cap and cracks in the above-ground portion of the well casing. It is also important for those on wells to maintain their septic system by following these guidelines:

• Do not dispose of kitchen grease or household chemicals in the sink
• Do not flush personal hygiene products besides toilet paper
• Pump septic tanks every three to five years

Keep a file for your well which includes information on well depth (usually available in a well log, which may be available from the local health department), service records, emergency instructions, and contact information for the local health department and drilling contractor.​

Learn More About Your Well

The Private Well Class program is a free, self-paced course presented in 10 weekly lessons via email. The class familiarizes well-owners with the basic science of wells and the best practices they can use to maintain their well and protect their water supply. The class also presents opportunities for additional free learning through online videos and live webinars. Enroll in the online Private Well Class here​. To receive your lessons in hard copy, call 1-866-522-2681 or email info@privatewellclass.org.

​ Resources

IEPA Well Water Page
Ground Water Foundation
Water Well Syste​m
PFAS in Drinking Water Infographic
​Illinois EPA PFAS Sampling Network 
Private Water Well Sealing Materials Program
Northeastern Illinois Regional Groundwater Protection Planning Committee
The Private Well Class
Well Owner's Handbook
Well Owner's Quick Reference Pamphlet

Illinois Department of Public Health Codes

Part 920: Water Well Construction Code
Part 925: Water Well Pump Installation Code