
Request for Proposals (RFP): Administrative Partner for Medication-Assisted Recovery Training Program

Issue Date: Monday, September 16, 2024
Proposal Due Date: Monday, October 7, 2024 at 11:59pm

The Kane County Health Department (KCHD) is seeking proposals from qualified local organizations with expertise in substance use disorder (SUD) services to serve as the administrative partner for a Medication-Assisted Recovery Training Program targeted at eligible physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners (hereinafter collectively referred to as “practitioners"). The selected partner will be responsible for managing a portion of the administrative aspects of the training and assisting with promotion, helping to ensure a smooth and effective learning experience.

The opioid crisis continues to be a significant public health concern across the nation, and Kane County is not exempt from its effects. In the U.S., there was a 30% increase in drug-related overdose deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to pre-pandemic rates. These overdose deaths were primarily driven by opioids and highlights the importance of access to treatment as opioid-related mortality was exacerbated during the pandemic.

To address this challenge, KCHD proposes an initiative aimed at increasing access to medication assisted recovery via buprenorphine treatment – the compassionate and evidence-based gold standard for individuals suffering from opioid use disorder – by providing practitioner training, support and incentives.

KCHD is organizing a training webinar to educate local practitioners on the safe and effective use of buprenorphine. The administrative partner will play a key role in coordinating this effort. KCHD has secured local physicians specializing in substance use and MAR to serve as advisors to the project, webinar instructors, and creators of the curriculum.

Scope of Work
The selected administrative partner will be responsible for the following:

  1. Promotion and Outreach
    • Collaborate with KCHD on the development of a marketing plan to maximize attendance, including outreach to local healthcare providers, clinics, and relevant professional associations.
    • Assist KCHD in the development of a list of potential attendees.
    • Distribute promotional materials via social media and other means.

  2. Stipend Administration
    • Using funds provided by KCHD, coordinate the payment of participant stipends.

Award Amount: $19,000

Practitioner Stipends (40 participants @ $400 each)$16,000
Administrative Partner Stipend$3,000

As noted above, the selected administrative partner organization will receive a $3000 stipend in exchange for the services provided in the Scope of Work. The remaining funds will be paid to practitioners upon completion of the training. Final practitioner stipend total will be determined after training registration closes. 

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an organization with a physical address in Kane County with demonstrated experience in substance use disorder services.
  • Have a track record of successfully managing and executing educational or training events.
  • Possess strong project management skills, including budget management, event coordination, and promotional activities.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with healthcare professionals, trainers, and stakeholders.

Proposal Submission Requirements
Interested organizations should submit a 1-3 page proposal that includes the following:

  1. Organizational Background:
    • Overview of the organization, including mission, services, and relevant experience.
    • Description of previous experience with similar training or educational initiatives.

  2. Assignment of Staff:
    • Indicate the name and contact details of the staff person assigned to lead the project collaboration.

  3. Marketing and Outreach:
    • Describe your organization's capacity to identify and engage potential participants for training programs.
    • Provide a brief overview of the outreach strategies and activities you would employ to effectively reach the target audience.
    • List additional contributions or additional resources that the organization will bring to the project.

Evaluation Criteria
Proposal Evaluation Criteria and Rating System

1. Organizational Background (30 points)

  • Overview of the Organization (10 points)
    • Excellent (9-10 points): Comprehensive overview with a clear mission and extensive relevant experience.
    • Good (6-8 points): Clear overview with a defined mission and services; relevant experience is solid but not extensive.
    • Fair (3-5 points): Basic overview with a mission and services mentioned; limited relevant experience.
    • Poor (0-2 points): Incomplete or unclear overview with minimal or no relevant experience.
  • Experience with Similar Initiatives (20 points)
    • Excellent (17-20 points): Demonstrates extensive and successful experience with similar training or educational initiatives.
    • Good (13-16 points): Demonstrates solid experience with similar initiatives, with evidence of successful outcomes.
    • Fair (7-12 points): Some experience with similar initiatives; success and outcomes are not well-documented.
    • Poor (0-6 points): Little to no experience with similar initiatives or poorly documented experience.

2. Assignment of Staff (20 points)

  • Staff Assignment (20 points)
    • Excellent (17-20 points): Staff person assigned has relevant experience and qualifications; contact details provided
    • Good (13-16 points): Staff person assigned is qualified with some relevant experience; contact details provided
    • Fair (7-12 points): Staff person assigned has limited relevant experience; contact details provided
    • Poor (0-6 points): Staff person assigned has minimal qualifications or experience; contact details are unclear or missing

3. Marketing and Outreach (50 points)

  • Capacity to Engage and Outreach Strategies (40 points)
    • Excellent (35-40 points): Demonstrates exceptional capacity to identify and engage participants; includes innovative and comprehensive outreach strategies and well-organized activities.
    • Good (27-34 points): Demonstrates solid capacity to engage participants; strategies are well-defined and organized but lack innovation.
    • Fair (15-26 points): Basic capacity to engage participants; strategies are generic or underdeveloped; activities are present but not well-coordinated.
    • Poor (0-14 points): Limited or unclear capacity to engage participants; outreach strategies and activities are poorly defined, weak, or absent.
  • Additional Contributions and Resources (10 points)
    • Excellent (9-10 points): Provides significant additional resources or contributions that greatly enhance the project.
    • Good (6-8 points): Provides some additional resources or contributions that positively impact the project.
    • Fair (3-5 points): Provides minimal additional resources or contributions; impact on the project is limited.
    • Poor (0-2 points): Provides no additional resources or contributions, or the contribution is negligible.

      Total Possible Points: 100
      ​This evaluation criteria and rating system assess proposals on their organizational background, staff qualifications, and the combined effectiveness of marketing and outreach strategies.

Submission Instructions
Proposals should be submitted electronically to Tina Koral, Health Promotions Manager, Kane County Health Department, koraltina@kanecountyil.gov by October 7, 2024 at 11:59pm. Please include “Administrative Partner for Medication-Assisted Recovery Training Program RFP" in the email subject line. Late submissions will not be considered.​

For questions or more information, please contact Tina Koral, Health Promotions Manager, Kane County Health Department at: koraltina@kanecountyil.gov