
​​​​​​Media Toolkit​​​

​Research has consistently shown that when people interact with members of a stigmatized group and hear their stories directly, it has a powerful destigmatizing effect, more than simply educating the public about the science underlying a condition1​. That's why we are so grateful for the bravery and generosity of the people featured in the videos featured in the Your Story Matters campaign. We know their stories will help those in our community who are suffering with a substance use disorder, and their friends, family, and people who care for them. Please share their stories with your audience. Click on the images below, or view the entire video library.

Media page images (2).png Media page images (4).png Media page images (3).png Media page image Rick.png

Media page images (1).png Media page images (6).png Media page images (5).png

Social Media Images and Captions

​Right click on the images below to save to your device, then upload to your social media pages to raise awareness among your followers about the availability of free naloxone. ​

Caption 1: ​Every dose of naloxone is a chance at saving a life. Learn how this simple tool is making a huge impact in the fight against opioid overdoses and where to get it free at overdoseinfo.org  #NaloxoneSaves #YourStoryMatters

Caption 2: Carrying naloxone means being prepared to be someone's lifeline in a critical moment. ​Learn where to get it free, with no prescription or ID required, at overdoseinfo.org #CarryNaloxone #YourStoryMatters

Caption 3: Every life is precious, and every overdose prevented is a victory. ​Naloxone keeps our loved ones alive. Learn more about where to get it for free in Kane County, and how to use it, at overdoseinfo.org  #OpioidOverdosePrevention #YourStoryMatters

Caption 4: Join the movement to make naloxone as common as a first-aid kit. Together, we can save lives and shatter stigma. Learn where to get naloxone and support resources at overdoseinfo.org  #NaloxoneAwareness #BreakTheStigma #YourStoryMatters

social 02 (1).png social 02 (2).png  social 3.png  social 4.png

Website Banners

Your organization can help prevent opioid overdose fatalities in your community by leading visitors to​ information about naloxone, harm-reduction, and help resources with anyone who visits your website. Add one of the images below to your website, and link it to: www.overdoseinfo.org

Inline Rectangle (300p x 250p)
Inline Rectangle YSM 300x250.png

​Mobile Banner (320p x 100p) 

Mobile Banner YSM 320x100 (1).png

Leaderboard Banner (728p x 90p)

Leaderboard Banner YSM 728x90.png

Community Naloxone Education Posters

These ​posters can be printed to raise public awareness of the availability and location of free naloxone and support resources.​ Right click on the image to save it, or click here to access a PDF for printing the 15" x 11.5" posters.​

 Community naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 media toolkit.png 3.png  5.png  ​7.png
2.png  4.png  6.png  8.png

Naloxone Available Here Posters

Most people will be unaware that free naloxone is available at your location. Increasing awareness and advertising the availability of free naloxone will help save lives​Right click on an image to save it, or click here to access a PDF for printing the 15" x 11.5" posters in English or Spanish​. If your agency or organization wishes to distribute free naloxone to patients or the public, contact us​.

Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (1).png  Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (3).png​  Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (5).png  ​Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (7).png
Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (2).png  Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (4).png  Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (6).png  Anyone can save a life with naloxone poster 11.5 x 15 (8).png

Breakroom Posters

These ​posters can be printed for healthcare provider and first responder breakrooms to remind staff that their mental health matters and there is help available.​ Right click on the image to save it, or click here to access a PDF for printing the 15" x 11.5" posters.​

Healthcare first responder poster 11.5x15 (1).png    Healthcare first responder poster 11.5x15 (2).png   Healthcare first responder poster 11.5x15 (3).png

Stigma-Reducing Language Flyers​

Reducing stigma and compassionate language helps people with substance use disorders recover. Right click on the image to save it, or click here to access a PDF for printing the 8.5" x 11" flyers​. 
Stigma-Reducing Flyers 8.5 x 11 (2).png  Stigma-Reducing Flyers 8.5 x 11 (1).png  Stigma-Reducing Flyers 8.5 x 11.png

Responding to an Opioid Overdose Printable Flyer

​These ​posters can be printed to raise public awareness of the availability of free naloxone and support resources.​ Right click on the image to save it, or click here to access a PDF for printing the 8.5" x 11" flyers in English and Spanish​.​​

Responding to an Opioid Overdose Eng & Spa.png​  Responding to an Opioid Overdose Eng & Spa (1).png