Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (ECMHC) builds the capacity of childcare providers, families, programs and systems to prevent and reduce the impact of mental health challenges and social emotional delays among children ages birth to 5. In Illinois, this system is coordinated by
Caregiver Connections, who subcontracts with agencies across the state to provide ECMHC to all Illinois counties. For DuPage, Kane, and Lake counties, the consultants are employed by the Kane County Health Department.
The goal of ECMHC is to shift our understanding of behavior. Challenging behavior is stressed behavior, and you and your consultant become “detectives" together, identifying the stressors for a child in your care. Behavior change only occurs in relationship, so building your relationship with a particular child, parent, family, co-worker, etc. increases capacity and efficacy.
Reasons to Contact Your ECMHC:
- Challenges with a specific child
- Overall learning environment concerns- particularly those involving social-emotional skill building
- Challenges communicating with a parent or family
- Challenges between adult-staff relationships
- Seeking support with social-emotional skill building and understanding social-emotional development
- Seeking Gateways-approved trainings on topics of social-emotional skill building