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Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program

The Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program serves all ​Kane County residents, workplaces and organizations toward a smoke and tobacco-free environment for all. We work with individuals, schools, healthcare providers, businesses, and other groups across Kane County to prevent tobacco initiation among youth, promote quitting tobacco use among adults and youth, eliminate secondhand smoke exposure, and promote ​compliance with the Smoke-Free Illinois Act​.

The Illinois Tobacco Quitline offers quit counseling and nicotine replacement therapy products free to Illinoisans.

Kane County Tobacco Control Coalition​​

How can my organization help make Kane County tobacco free?

The Kane County Tobacco Control and Prevention Coalition was formed in January 2019 and exists to:

  • Support community-based tobacco control activities and policies that protect the health of non-smokers, reduce youth tobacco initiation rates, and protect outdoor spaces from tobacco litter.​​
  • Promote a tobacco-free community by providing educational resources that all residents can find, understand and use.
  • Increase utilization of local community cessation resources and the Illinois Tobacco Quitline.

The Coalition meets quarterly and welcomes representatives from organizations in Kane County with the common goal of improving the health and environment of our community. The Coalition strives for a group of individuals that reflect our community or advocate on behalf of a population.

If you would like to learn more or become a member, please email: kanequits@kanecountyil.gov​

Kane County Tobacco Use Data​​​