Challenge II Change

​Challenge II Change provides a safe and comprehensive inside and outside of prison model. We empower participants that are at high risk of becoming system impacted, to challenge and overcome automatic beliefs and use practical strategies II change or modify their behavior. Thus resulting in more positive feelings, which in turn lead to more positive thoughts. Creating safer communities one Challenge at a time. 

Member of Project Safe Aurora. More information about Project Safe Aurora is available here:​

Address: 31 W. Downer Place, Aurora, IL 60506
Community Crisis Center

​Crisis Hotline, domestic violence services, sexual assault services, services for children, ​​abuse intervention, economic crisis, emergency shelter, prefessional training, community education. 

The Community Crisis Center provides a 40-bed emergency shelter for women and their children needing a safe place to stay. A case manager will work with you while you are here to help resolve your situation. Additional services provided include: meals, professional case management, individual and group counseling and material assistance. For more information, please contact the Community Crisis Center at 847-697-2380​​

Phone: English: 847-697-2380   Español: 847-697-9740
Insurance: N/A
Language: English and Spanish
Judah Robinson Foundation

Counseling and therapy for unhoused individuals who suffer mental health issues. Warming and cooling center.

Address: 223 Spring St., Aurora
Phone: (331) 278-7526
Kane County ROE: McKinney Vento (Homeless) Program

Works with Kane County School Districts to assist in removing barriers for families in homeless situations (including doubled up because of economic reasons) to enroll, attend and stay stable at school. Assistance with basic needs and that which is needed to ensure students have access to receive education services. This program also provides McKinney-Vento training to schools and agencies​.

Address: 28 N. First Street, Geneva, IL, 60134
Phone: 630-444-2974
Eligibility: Must fit McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness: shelter, motel/hotel, car, transitional housing program, PADs, doubled up for lack of economic resources, lost housing due to disaster (fire, flood etc.), lacking fixed, adequate and regular housing.
Lazarus House

​Emergency shelter for men, women and children, rental assistance, rapid rehousing, subsidized housing, food/clothing/blankets at the door​

Address: 214 Walnut St., St. Charles, IL 60174
Phone: (630) 587-2144
Eligibility: Anyone can come for food at the door.  All other programs must be in our service area of St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia and western rural Kane County.
Insurance: Free
Language: English, some Spanish
Lifespring Ministry

​Lifespring is a transitional, 6-month to 1-year, Christ-centered housing program for women and their children. Our program is designed to help women know and follow Christ and to start a new chapter of their lives.

Address: 517 College Avenue, Aurora, IL 60505
Phone: 630-851-0187
Eligibility: Willing & able to work full-time (part-time if disabled), sober for 30 days or more, must follow program rules
Insurance: N/A
Language: English
Prairie State Legal Services

The mission of Prairie State Legal Services is to ensure equal access to justice and fair treatment under the law by providing legal advice and representation, advocacy, education, and outreach that serve to protect basic human needs and enforce or uphold rights.

PSLS envisions a community where all low-income, elderly and vulnerable people have ready access to legal services to meet their basic needs and where everyone knows, understands and can exercise their rights and be treated fairly in their pursuit of justice.​

Our clients are members of our community. Many face issues from unsafe, unstable, or unaffordable housing and lack of health care to domestic violence, keeping their children in school, and consumer debt harassment. Sometimes, they may have multiple issues at the same time. Our clients are of all ages and ethnicities. Yet, with little or no income amid their crisis, they have no other options for legal representation. Whatever challenges our clients face, our lawyers and advocates can and do make a significant difference in their lives.​
Address: 31W001 East North Avenue Suite 200 West Chicago, IL
Phone: (630) 690-2130
Youth Services Bureau

A child welfare agency licensed by the State of Illinois to provide care for youth who are abused, neglected, and dependent. YSB licenses and supports its own network of foster homes. A provider of treatment services including individual, family, and group therapy. .

Address: 1700 N. Farnsworth, Suite 18, Aurora, IL 60505
Phone: 630-820-6303
Eligibility: Youth, runaways (or youth locked out of home), abused or neglected youth
Insurance: Licensed provider of Medicaid services and is eligible for reimbursement from many private insurance plans
Language: English, Spanish