Book lending and media resources, youth and adult activities
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: M-Th 9am-9pm, Fri and Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 1pm-5pm.
Free gun locks available for pick-up at the times listed above.
Law enforcement services and police protection. Warming and Cooling Center Hours: 12pm-4pm
Fire protection and rescue. In an emergency, call 911.
For Warming and Cooling center hours and access, call main phone number.
Book lending services and media resources, youth and adult activities
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: M-Th 9am - 9pm, Fri. and Sat. 9 am - 6 pm, Sun. Noon - 5 pm
Sponsor of Ride In Kane Paratransit program for residents ages 65+.
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: M-F 8am-4:30pm
Fire and rescue services. In an emergency, call 911.
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: 24 hour/7 days a week (No sleeping facilities)
Law Enforcement. In an emergency, call 911.
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: 24 hours/7 days a week (No sleeping facilities)
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: M-Th 9am-9pm, F 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 12pm-5pm
The City of Geneva's Public Works Department oversees a number of important functions that impact your every day life such as road construction, snow removal, garbage collection, electricity and water.
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: M-F 7am-3:30pm
Counseling and therapy for unhoused individuals who suffer mental health issues. Warming and cooling center.
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: M-F 7am-5pm
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: 8am-4pm
Law enforcement. In an emergency, call 911.
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: 7am-10pm
Law enforcement. In an emergency, call 911.
Warming and Cooling Center hours: 8am-9pm.
Free gun locks avaiable for pick-up at the following times: M-F 7:30am-2:30pm.
Adult Protective Services, Assessment and Care Coordination, caregiver assistance, emergency services and home repair resources, friendly visiting, information and assistance, Medicare questions, health resources, nursing home ombudsman, recreation and education resources, Senior Health Insurance Program, transportation services, DME lending closet
Warming and Cooling Center Hours: M-F 8am-4pm
Warming and Cooling Center hours: 8:30am-4:30pm.
Book lending and media resources, youth and adult activities.
Warming and Cooling Center hours: M-Th 9am-9pm, F-Sat 9am-8pm, Sun 12pm-5pm.
Free gun locks are available for pick-up also during the hours listed above.
Warming and Cooling Center hours: 7am-10pm.