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Septic System and Sewage Disposal ServicesEH WaterFees and Permits Button.png

  • Private sewage disposal inspection and complaint investigation
  • Education on private sewage disposal system maintenance
  • Public complaint investigation – solid waste storage and handling

The health department does not do septic inspections for home sales/mortgage transactions.

Permits and Fees

 Access permit and fee information for the following: 

  • New Construction - Single Family
  • Renovation - Single Family
  • New Construction - Commercial, Multi-Family
  • Renovation - Commercial, Multi-Family
  • Experimental/ Alternative System – Chemical, Incinerator, Drip, Etc.
  • Aerobic Treatment Plant Monitoring
  • Change of Contractor
  • Subdivision Plan Review – per lot
  • Septic Plan Revision
  • Soil interpretation, Septic Variance, Feasibility Letter, Letter of Approval to Municipality
  • Site inspection of septic disposal area

Please call 630-444-3040 to request a private sewage/septic inspection or permit.


Requesting Septic Designs

Property owners may request septic plans by completing a Septic Design Request Form and sending it to with cc to or call 630-444-3040 to complete the form over the phone. PIN (Parcel Identification Number) is requested on the form and can be found on your tax bill (XX-XX-XXX-XXX). Individuals, other than the current homeowner, must submit a FOIA request​ to obtain a copy of the septic layout for a property.​

Environmental Health staff will search records of health and county buildings to determine if plans are available to be scanned. Scanned images will be sent to you if they are available. Kane County Health Department septic records are only available beginning in the 1990's. Kane County Buildings Department records are only available from the early 1960's. Septic systems installed prior to county records or installed without the permits will not be available.

Please allow a minimum of 5 business days to process.


Preventing Septic System Failures

Septic system failures are often caused by:

  • Systems that are not adequately sized or designed for the usage/demand placed on them
    • Increased number of building occupants or wastewater-related activities, without increasing the capacity of the system
    • Increased water usage from leaking fixtures
    • Use of garbage grinders when system is not designed for this or improperly installed water softener discharge lines
    • Systems installed without licensed contractors and inspections to ensure appropriate design and size of system

  • Systems that are not serviced as frequently as needed
  • Components of the system that have deteriorated or been damaged over time or due to disturbances on the property
    • Age of system
    • Digging into or paving over areas of the septic field

If you suspect a failing system, contact a licensed septic service contractor for service. Failing septic systems on your property that tenants or neighbors observe are frequently reported and are required by law to be corrected. See Kane County Private Sewage Ordinance 18-33: DISCHARGES OF SEWAGE; IMPROPER OPERATION OF SYSTEMS


New Septic System and Existing Septic System Repair

If you need a new septic system or an existing one repaired, you are either constructing a new home or business, need to upgrade a failing or insufficient system, or add capacity due to increased demands on your system, a KCHD septic permit is required. All septic work requiring a permit must be completed by a licensed septic contractor (link to contractor database). Kane County Private Sewage Ordinance prohibits septic work requiring a permit to be completed by licensed contractors, even for homeowners on their own property.

  1. If you need a new system, ensure you do not have access to public sewer. Unless access to public sewer requires more than a 4-inch pipe or creates an undue hardship, you will need to connect to public sewer. If you are close to public sewer but a hardship exists, you will need to provide documentation to KCHD with your septic permit application.

  2. A critical factor for determining the type of septic system needed is the soil. A soil evaluation (formerly called a perc test) is required with every application for a new system or a renovation involving the septic field. Tank replacements do not require a soil evaluation. The soil evaluation indicates the permeability of the soil and its suitability to filter effluent from the tank. If the soil is not suitable for a properly sized subsurface system, alternative systems, including aerobic treatment units, will be required. Seasonal high water table in the area of the septic field, floodplains and other wetlands are factors as well. Certified soil classifiers.

  3. If a repair/renovation of an existing system is needed, a septic plat is needed for your existing system. KCHD maintains records from 1992 to the current year, KC buildings maintains some records from the mid-60s in unincorporated areas. If a copy of your septic plat is not available with KC, you can check with your municipality (if in incorporated area) or have your septic contractor probe to find the components and recreate a plat.

  4. Once the soil evaluation is completed, your licensed contractor will design a system to suit your needs based on the estimated demands of the structure it will support and the factors determined from the soil interpretation. When building a new home, it is best to determine the most suitable place for the septic, before determine the location of the home on the property. Home septic systems are sized based on the number of rooms in the home that are designed to be used as a bedroom, regardless of whether or not they are actually used that way. The septic must accommodate any future use of the home after potential resale, etc. Businesses and multi-use structure systems are sized based on estimated water usage from the private sewage code.


Installing a Pool or Structure When You Have a Septic System

Some municipalities require KCHD review and approval to allow installation of a pool on a property with a septic system. Check with your municipality to see if such approval is required. 

If this is approval is required in Kane County, please submit:

Illinois Department of Public Health Codes

Part 890: Plumbing Code
Part 905: Private Sewage Disposal Code


Preparedness & Response for Septic Systems
Aerobic Treatment Plant Guide
Septic Information
EPA Septic System Guid e for Homeowners
Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Owner's Manual