​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​EH Permits and Fees Banner2.png

Four Ways to Pay

1. Online

Click here to pay online.​ Major credit cards only. Subject to convenience fee.

Remember to obtain your payment confirmation numberYou will need it when you submit the required permit application and other paperwork to the Environmental Health Administrative Assistant at almanzamaria@kanecountyil.gov to complete processing. ​​

2. ​By Phone

1-844​-443-9821, Jurisdiction code: 2311. Major credit cards only. Subject to convenience fee.​

Remember to obtain your payment confirmation numberYou will need it when you submit the required permit application and other paperwork to the Environmental Health Administrative Assistant at almanzamaria@kanecountyil.gov to complete processing. ​

​3. By Mail

Mail permit application and check payable to Kane County Health Department to:

Kane County Environmental Health Services
1240 N. Highland Avenue
Aurora, I60506

4. ​In Person

Bring permit application and check payable to Kane County Health Department, or cash (no credit cards) to either our Aurora or Elgin office:

Kane County Health Department, Environmental Health Services
1240 N. Highland Avenue
Aurora, IL 60506
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:30am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4:30 pm

Kane County Health Department, Environmental Health Services
1750 Grandstand Avenue
Elgin, IL 60123
Hours: Tuesday,  8:30am - 12:30pm and 1:30pm - 4:30 pm
Other hours by appointment only.

FEES EFFECTIVE 1/1/2025 – 12/31/2025


Food Establishment Plan Review

Food Service Establishment Plan Review & Ventilation Plan Review Forms - Payment is due at the time of plan review submission. ​
Food Service Construction Requirements, Tenth Edition

​New Construction
Category I - 1​
Category I - 1
Category I - 2 
Category I - 2 
​Category II
​Category II 
Category III 
Category III 
​​​​​RUSH or resubmission after initial approval for new construction or remodeling an existing establishment: $839.00​​

Food Establishment Permits - Initial and Renewal 

2025 Food Handling Permit Application/Certified Food Protection Manager's Schedule​​​

Food Handling Permit Online Application 2019-2025​​ this form can be filled out online and then emailed. NOTE: This form requires a compatible Adobe Reader application on the user's computer. Make sure your browser has an updated version of Adobe Reader. The form will not work with older versions or with all browsers. Try a different browser if you are unable to use this version as a fillable form.

Please note: If you are using the online Food Handling Permit form and submitting it by email, you will also need to print out, complete, and submit the Mandatory Certified Food Protection Manager's Schedule.​

ANAB-ANSI Food Personel Certification Accredited Programs

For-Profit Businesses
Category I - 1: ​Retail, Food Service Combined Multi-Department Grocery Stores >15,000​ sq./ft.
Category I - 2: Retail, Food Service Establishments, Schools, Daycares (child and adult), Hospitals, Organizations
Category II: ​Retail, Food Service Establishment, Schools, Daycares (serving children ages 4 and up only and/or adults), Hospitals, Organizations
Category III: ​​​Retail and/or Food Service Establishments/Organizations
​​Category III: Retail Food Establishment with Coffee Only and/or up to 3 coolers of the same product such as prepackaged ice cream​
Category III: ​​Daycares, Schools with Milk and/or Prepackaged Only Food 

​Charitable Nonprofit Organizations​
Category I - 2​Charitable Nonprofit Schools and Daycare (child and adult), Organizations
Category I - 2: Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen, Free Delivered Meals to Seniors or Other Charitable Nonprofit Organizations with No Charge for ANY Service Provided
Category II: ​Charitable Nonprofit Schools and Daycare (serving children ages 4 and up only and/or adults), Organizations
​​Category II:​ Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen, Free Delivered Meals to Seniors or other charitable nonprofit organizations with no charge for ANY service provided
Category III: Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen, Free Delivered Meals to Seniors or other charitable nonprofit organizations with no charge for ANY service provided
Category III: ​​Daycares, Schools with Milk and/or Prepackaged Only Food

​​Seasonal Permanent - Operates 6 months or less per year
2025 Food Handling Permit Application/Certified Food Protection Manager's Schedule

Category II Seasonal
Category II Charitable Nonprofit Seasonal
​Category III Seasonal
Category III Charitable Nonprofit Seasonal

​​Seasonal Temporary
2025 Seasonal Food Handling Permit Application
​Category II Seasonal Temporary For Profit*
Category II Seasonal Temporary Charitable Nonprofit*
Category II​ Seasonal Temporary Charitable Nonprofit with no charge for ANY
service provided1
Category III Seasonal Temporary For Profit​
Category III Seasonal Temporary Charitable Nonprofit
Category III​​ Seasonal Temporary Charitable Nonprofit with no charge for ANY
service provided

Shared Kitchens ​​
2025 Shared Kitchen Food Permit Application and CFM Schedule
​Shared Kitchen Owner                                              
Category I - 2 Shared Kitchen User*
Category II Shared Kitchen User*
Category III Shared Kitchen User 

​Supplemental Kitchens​​
​Category I-1 Supplemental Outdoor Grilling/Smoking Permit/Bar/Kitchen
Category I-2 Supplemental Kitchen for Educational Purposes Only Located Within a Permitted Facility​
​Category I-2 Supplemental Outdoor Grilling, Smoking, Bar, Kitchen​
Category II Supplemental Kitchen for Educational Purposes Only Located Within a Permitted Facility​
Category II Supplemental Outdoor Grilling, Smoking Permit, Bar, Kitchen

​​​Temporary Events - Each establishment per event per booth
​​​​​​​​2025 Temporary Food Service Permit Application
Temporary Food Service Vendor Coordinator Application
Temporary ​Event Frequently Asked Questions​​
Watch video on How to Properly Set Up Temporary Food Tent
Temporary Food Service Establishment Regulation - English
​Temporary Food Service Establishment Regulation - Spanish​
Temporary Food Checklist
Time as a Public Health Control Procedure
​For Profit Temporary Event Permit 
​Temporary Event Permit for Fundraising
​Sampling Only Temporary Event Permit
​Free to the Public Temporary Permit for Potentially Hazardous Foods
​Free to the Public Temporary Permit for Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods (popcorn,
cotton candy, non-potentially hazardous baked goods and similar products)
​Additional Fee for permits received less than 5 business days prior to event 

​​​Vending Machines
​1-3 Vending Machines ​                                          
​4-6 Vending Machines
​7 + Vending Machines

Other Fees​​
​Late Fee: Annual permit renewals paid after December 31 are subject to a 25% late fee​​
​Late Fee: ​Annual permit renewals paid after January 31 are subject to a 50% late fee​
​Daycare DCFS Inspections Only                                  
​Multiple Follow-Up and Pre-Opening Inspections
​​Non-Compliance Closing (per staff hour)
​Duplicate Permit
​General Variance Request
​Special Processes Variance Request

Food Permit Notes
  • An annual COLA adjustment will be applied to each fee listed to begin January 1, 2025 in an amount determined equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index as of September 30 as determined by the United States Department of Labor for the Chicago Metropolitan Area, but in no event shall any fees established be less than the fee schedule effective on January 1, 2024.
  • New annual food permit applications received after July 1 pay 50% of the appropriate fee.
  • New annual food permit applications received after October 1 pay 25% of the appropriate fee.
  • *Certified Food Protection Manager required to be working at all times.​

​Private Sewage (Septic)

Private Sewage/Septic Disposal System Application
Letter of Approval to Municipality Request Form
Septic Design Request Form​​​​

​​New Construction – Single Family
​Renovation – Single Family
​New Construction – Commercial, Multi-Family
​Renovation – Commercial, Multi-Family
​Experimental/Alternative System – Chemical, Incinerator, Drip, Etc.
​Aerobic Treatment Plant Monitoring
​Change of Contractor
​Subdivision Plan Review – per lot
​Septic Plan Revision
​Soil Interpretation, Septic Variance, Feasibility Letter, Letter of Approval to Municipality

Site inspection of septic disposal area​​

​Copy of Septic Design 

Water Wells

Application for Permit to Construct, Modify or Seal a Closed Loop Well System
State of Illinois Application for Permit to Construct, Modify or Abandon a Water Well

​Construct, Deepen or Modify​​
​Construct, Deepen or Modify Geothermal Wells (1st ten)
​Additional Geothermal Wells
​Each Inspection Fee (Paid at time of permit fee)
​Well Sealing
​Well Variance, Feasibility Letter, Letter of Approval to Municipality
​Change of Contractor

Non-Community Water Program

​Transient Non-Community Inspection Fee (including vending machines)​
​Non-Transient Non-Community Inspection Fee 
​Follow-up Inspection Fee
​Non-Community Non-Compliance Well Testing
​New Establishment/Change of Owner Inspection Fee 

Tanning Program 

​Inspection Fee​
Follow-up Inspection Fee
​New Establishment/ Change of Owner Inspection Fee

Ceremonial Fires

C​eremonial Fire Permit Application

​​Permit Fee​