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​The Kane County Youth Voices Forum on Mental Health seeks to provide a platform for open dialogue and engagement between youth, educators, and mental health professionals. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, the forum aims to amplify the voices of young people, allowing them to share their lived experiences, insights, and suggestions for enhancing mental health services in schools and communities. This aligns with our overarching mission to create a more responsive and empathetic approach to youth mental health care, ensuring that every young person feels heard, understood, and supported.

The objectives of the 2024 Kane County Youth Voices Forum on Mental Health are to:

  • ​Amplify youth voices
  • Facilitate open conversations
  • Promote holistic support systems
  • Build connections and resilience
  • ​Develop actionable outcomes
Download the 2024 Kane County Youth Voices Forum on Mental Health Report

Past Reports

​2023 Kane County Youth Voices Forum on Mental Health Report

2022 Kane County Youth Voices Forum on Mental Health Report -English

2022 Kane County Youth Voices Forum on Mental Health Report - Spanish

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